A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1 - Diagnosis

Use the diagnosis table on the website, or locally developed criteria, to determine whether the child's condition has any nutritional implications. Assign a score according to whether he/she has definite (e.g. dysphagia), possible (e.g. behavioural eating problems), or no (e.g. day case surgery) nutritional implications, and progress to step 2.

Does the child have a diagnosis that has any nutritional implications? Score
Definitely 3
Possibly 2
No 0

Step 2 - Nutritional Intake

Use your knowledge of the child's eating habits to determine their nutritional intake. If necessary, speak to other Healthcare Professionals and the parent/carer to find out more. Assign a score according to the child's current nutritional intake, and progress to step 3.

What is the child's nutritional intake? Score
None 3
Recently decreased / poor 2
No change / good 0

Step 3 - Weight and Height

Weigh and measure the child using the weighing and measuring instructions provided. Use the centile quick reference tables on the website or a growth chart to determine how many columns/centiles apart the height and weight are. Then progress to Step 4.

Use the centile quick reference tables to determine the child's measurements Score
> 3 centile spaces/≥3 columns apart (or weight < 2nd centile) 3
> 2 centile spaces/= 2 columns apart 1
0 to 1 centile spaces/columns apart 0

Step 4 - Overall Risk of Malnutrition

Add the scores from steps 1–3 together to calculate the child's overall risk of malnutrition.

Add the scores from steps 1–3 together to calculate the overall risk of malnutrition Score
High risk ≥ 4
Medium risk 2-3
Low risk 0-1

Step 5 - Care Plan

Once you have calculated the child's overall risk of malnutrition, develop a care plan for the child in accordance with local guidelines. Repeat screening as recommended on the STAMP screening form.

Develop a care plan based on the child's overall risk of malnutrition
High risk
  • Take action
  • Refer to a Dietitian, nutritional support team or consultant
  • Monitor as per care plan
Medium risk
  • Monitor nutritional intake for 3 days
  • Repeat STAMP screening after 3 days
  • Amend care plan as required
Low risk
  • Continue routine clinical care
  • Repeat STAMP screening weekly while child is an in-patient
  • Amend care plan as required

STAMP should be used in association with Trust referral guidelines and policies.