Measuring Infants and Children
To be used to assign a score for step 3 of STAMP.
Preparing to measure an infant or child
- Remove the infant or child's shoes and socks.
- Remove any accessories from the infant or child's hair, e.g. clips and hairbands, and undo braids if they are likely to interfere with the length or height measurement.
- If infant is ≤2 years old, remove his/her nappy.
Measuring length: for infants ≤2 years old or children who cannot stand
- Cover the length board with a thin cloth or soft paper (Figure 4).
- Ask the parent/carer to place the infant on the length board.
- The infant should be laid on his/her back with his/her head against the fixed headboard, compressing the hair (Figure 5).
- Make sure that the infant's head does not move from side to side and is positioned with the infant looking up. Ask the parent/carer to keep the infant's head in this position (Figure 5)
- Ensure that the infant lies straight, with his/her shoulders touching the board. The spine should not be arched.
- Hold the infant's legs down with one hand and pull the footboard against the soles of his/her feet with the other (Figure 6).
- Record the infant's length to the nearest 0.1cm.
- If the child is ≥2 years old, but cannot stand, measure length and subtract 0.7cm to convert it to height.

Measuring Infant Length
Measuring height: for children ≥2 years old or children who will not lie down to be measured
- Ensure that the height board is on level ground, or appropriately secured to a wall.
- Ask the parent/carer to kneel in order to get down to the level of the child.
- Ask the parent /carer to help the child to stand on the baseboard with his /her feet slightly apart and the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels all touching the vertical board.
- Position the child's head so that it is facing forward, and ensure that it does not move from side to side (Figure 7).
- If necessary, push gently on the knees to help the child stand at his/her full height.
- Pull the headboard down to rest firmly on top of the child's head and compress the hair (Figure 7).
- Record the child's height to the nearest 0.1cm.
- If the infant is <2 years old, but will not lie down to be measured, measure standing height and add 0.7cm to convert it to length