HCP Training Module Quiz
Test your knowledge. Answer all 10 questions correctly to receive a certificate, which confirms that you have completed the HCP training module.
1. Paediatric malnutrition is only about a low energy intake.
2. Over the past 30 years pediatric malnutrition in the UK has...
3. The consequences of malnutrition in children include... (select all that apply)
4. Screening is... (select all that apply)
5. Screening identifies those at risk of malnutrition.
6. STAMP should only be used by dietitians.
7. The first 3 steps of STAMP are...
8. STAMP is valid for all hospitalised children from 2 weeks to 16 years of age.
9. A tape measure can be used to measure length in a child under 2 years.
10. When measuring weight and length in an infant they should be...
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